The knowledge bank.
The latest thought leadership on the future of the Industrial Metaverse.
Data Fabrics advantageous for the Metaverse?
So what exactly is a data fabric? Data fabrics are the best means of storing, networking, and contextualizing data that we have today. Data fabrics give us the best shot of getting to this highly connected Industrial Metaverse. So what are the key features and advantages of data fabric architectures?
Today’s Linear Technology Stacks
One of the first foundational technical prerequisites for the Industrial Metaverse is the need for digital twins that precisely simulate reality in a reactive real-time bi-directional, synchronous, high-fidelity, closed-feedback-loop process. Therefore, while the word “digital twin” represents imprecise terminology, its true definition requires far more adjectives. Such futuristic “digital twins” would thereby act as virtual reality representations of assets, systems, and networks.